(This is a Treason Summons-petition to Queen & then United Nations if she is sell-out. UN Law protects & warrants this charge sheet, as under our Civil Wars 1215, 1641 & 1688 too. Supporters, copy & circulate this world-wide for all to sign as U.N Member State co-prosecutor citizens against post 1948 human rights crimes by Labour Party & Tory Party. Protected by United Nations Article 30 & 18 & 19 & others Articles that the defendants also transgressed one way or another via Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28)
Page 1-5 : Preamble pre-statement and Authority law definition of treason laws & U.N & EU laws that’s supporting the treason charges herein.
Page 6-8 : a) Our main 1st English Civil war’s that defined this treason charge as authority, so is non-refuse-able rights to charge Tony Blair & others state and Judiciary officers for these crimes.
Page 8-8 : b) Our main 2nd English Civil War’s causes that defined this treason charge as authority, so is non-refuse-able rights to charge Tony Blair and others state and Judiciary officers for these crimes.
Page 8 -8 : c) Our main 3rd English Civil War’s that defined this treason charge as authority, so is non-refuse-able rights to charge Tony Blair and others state and Judiciary officers for these crimes, so Judiciary nor M.Ps can judge him.
Page 11: 12 Short Summing up of Pages - And who can put their names to this charge sheet, and what laws rights to do so as co-prosecutors.
Page 13-18 : The first charge against Tony Blair in his person for treason for robbing the public of automatic rights to public safety jury trial.
Page 18-19 : The second charge against Tony Blair in his person for treason for robbing the public of automatic rights use the crown Court or any court they wish to reach their public safety jury trial final judgement.
Page 20- : What we ask for as punishment for Tony Blair, remedies and, after suspension of our Parliament as precedents of 1215, 1640s & 1688.
N.B: The real laws of England must be executed against the herein treasonists & thefts of civilian birthrights and laws or the Queen is accessory to treason like said kings Charles 1st & James 2nd that did or allowed the same crimes on civilians 1640’s & 1688. So:-
This freedom of speech and legal court document is warranted and protected by: a) the founding of United Nations’ Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948 (United Nations Article 30 & 18 & 19 & others Articles that the defendants also transgressed one way or another via Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 2)), and protected and warranted b) under the causes, affects and results of our 3 English Civil Wars’ as authorised under Magna Carta laws’ 1215 to 1641 & 1688 so it is a criminal offence for any state officer to try to delay or stop it. This is primarily issued against the whole Labour Party business body, and Tony Blair in person & whoever replaces him as Prime Minister in person, who is one of our British Member of Parliament in 10 Downing St, and it has other co-defendants to be joined as co-defendants as time progress, including the Labour Party M.Ps & agents in departments of state, but whoever will be adjoinders in their person as co-defendant with him in the treason charges will depend on who will fight this or not. Magna Carta & U.N says:-
Non is above the law as herein Kings’ John, Charles 1st, James 2nd and their judges and M.Ps of Parliaments Lords & Commons, and other public officers found out after they did the same now treason crimes then against the British public people, so, like now, they were not above the law in 1215, 1640’s and 1688, Nor now be any ever above the law as plain in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948’s 30 Articles that founded the United Nations, so that the U.N can not be the U.N without force in the 30 Articles as U.N’s absolute number one main objective, and as the U.N’s 30 Human Rights Laws Articles be also in the later E.U Human Rights 6 Conventions’ laws that is also acknowledging that the U.N 30 Articles of Human Rights Act 1948 is the foundation of EU laws, and as the UN 30 Articles be also the main world foundation Human Rights Laws and justice standards, as be also all in the U.N Member States’ making law making limits passed by U.N in 1948 as UN Human Rights laws to be used in all member states since 1948 to stop all UN member states’ state abuse of their peoples by member state bogus laws after 1948 too. So non be above the law, not even Tony Blair M.P, Gordon Brown M.P nor their Labour Party business body, that are all right now herein charged (For treason and theft of inheritances and left to all generations laws); with others to join as his co-defendants that do not U-turn from their present treason crimes against our jury system and rights to use any court ourselves without police or paid lawyer.
The main charges herein are the same defined treasons’ offences that was caused by the UK state’s 1215’s, 1640’s & 1688’s Kings, M.Ps, Judges and public officers’ stealing our civilians’ safety jury trial rights & safety law processes, and by Blair & Party’s and their agents operating or allowing illegal laws and powers in pretending that County Courts,’ High Court & Magistrates Courts or any post 1215 law or state person have any lawful power to blackmail out of or to deny the accused their public safety criminal or civil action trial by jury, and for political parties’ and legal system denying or setting up Mafia agents into courts to stop or hinder or pre-judge the normal civilian’s direct access to use any law court with or without police assistance, so the courts belong to political & legal system Mafiosi monopolies which is treason as done by Kings, Lords, Commons M.Ps, constables, public prosecutors & sheriffs & Bailiffs that contributed to 3 civil wars by tyranny framing who they want or taking money or secret behind court scenes political and or legal system Mafia favours in court cases they want to strike out or mess with or prejudge before Magna Carta civilian safety 12 Jurors read or hear the civilian summonses or civilian criminal summonses or police Vs civilian cases. After those crimes against the public justice were some of the main root causes of our 3 English Civil Wars 1215-1688 Tony Blair & Gordon Brown & their cabinet, with crimes to hide or cover-up, have deliberately plotted to and planted courts systems appointees, heads of court & staff, new systems, and other agents in the justice Admin system to spearhead messing with justice behind the courts, so do obstructing justice crime, and have instigated and allowed Labour & Tory planted legal system Mafiosi to break to no man shall justice be denied, sold nor deferred and civilian safety jury trial major constitutional laws’ principles in our forever set Kingdom in-tail laws that are set forever as non-repeal-able nor re-interpretable to secure our civilians individual share of impartial public safety justice through the courts against political parties and legal system Mafia tyrants in Parliament and any public department and judiciary; of the which birthrights rights, and civilian safety laws through courts against corruption, Tony Blair & Gordon Brown and their Cabinet of Secretaries of State, Labour Party Controlled political party non impartial so partial Lord Chancellor & Attorney General and all the political party controlled partial Home office officers, all staff of the supposed independent National Judiciary & Crown Court, all political party controlled local Magistracy, and all their appointees all pre-knew that after they know that the results of those said Civil wars, via trials of Kings etc, so all of them even pre knew that it is treason for any public officer of any rank to do anything to again cause non jury trials and cause no free use of the courts by any civilian or operate any thing before jury trial final judgement that works breaking of Magna Carta Maxims made forever against “selling, denying or deferring” of impartial equal “justice” between state and civilians or between all the rich and poor and great and small in any civilians started summonses to court or civilians defence in any court; so contrary laws are forgeries that cannot be spent in law courts or process when exposed as not allowed new laws or power or jurisdiction after 1215 Magna Carta laws. But Tony Blair and his plants in the whole system have done these repeated public office abuses against the whole British public, so against United Nation citizens, which are crimes of treason to be done against the pubic since the said 3 Civil Wars that caused Magna Carta 1215 – 1688 laws confirmations forever to be U.K civilian laws against all Parliaments’ Kings, Queen, Lord, Commons M.Ps, Cabinets, all levels of Court’s Justices and registrars and staff, Sheriffs & Bailiffs & Public prosecutors and constables, Attorney Generals & all State lawyers, defence lawyers, and against any ever organ of the British state: Which the founding of United Nations in Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948 against state all U,N Member States’ power and tyranny also confirms Magna Carta maxims as law in all U.N States.
After a Mr Soares (Blair & all his cabinet Mafia illegally blacklisted everywhere he can but never will go away or shut up warning the civilians all over the world Vs U.K fascism & secret political and legal system Mafia’s)- exposed what is not allowed as law in the UK, since Magna Carta and since U.N 1948 laws, over the years to Tony Blair and his Party’s Gordon Brown, Labour’s Cabinet, and all his parties Secretaries of state, and to other parties, and exposing Tony Blair’s had abuse us all with, even after all that exposed, they Labour Party had chances to but deliberately have not retracted these herein treason crimes over the years but Blair & Gordon Brown and all their Cabinet and agents in the system have ignored the witnessed sent demands from Mr Soares, Mr Welsh, Mr Slater, and others, to retreat form these said herein selling, denying and deferring of justice and no jury trial plots that are treasons against the civilians’ defined by U.K 3 civil wars and results to be treason crimes on civilians and the state and now treason on all United Nations citizens; and still Tony Blair and all his cabinet continued their creeping fascism and treason on all civilians.
So they had chance to retreat from those and other human race crimes; But Blair & Gordon brown & whole Cabinet have all chosen from 1997, and especially since 2005, to even press forward with more of his New Labour Party fascism police state abuses, and illegally brought in laws, on the public such as:- a) Still talking about cost before justice reaches jury trial final judgement which is selling justice crime so is denying and deferring of justice crime, and b) deliberately picking and appointing partisans appointees for them to deliberately set staff in all levels of court to illegally prejudge if civilians have case to be heard or not, so are criminally obstructing justice by working denying and deferring of justice by prejudging cases before civilian safety jury trial ends, often only done against civilians justice so their party and Mafias save their liability as state’s only 4-5 years subcontractors Labour Party that must have 3rd party insurance like any business, so they are doing crimes to save Political Parties & departments and courts systems Mafia friends liabilities, so is why they politically break impartiality of justice administration laws to deliberately set obstacles and bent court staff -(And High Court & Magistrates Justices)- in our law courts so that they can politically make sure civilians cases or summonses against the Labour Party’ or Tories’ and or their legal system Mafia’s or friends’ abuse and crimes do not reach jury trials stage, and dare to even striking out civilians cases before civilian safety jury trial stage to cover up their political and legal system and friends crimes that are charged in the civilians summonses they illegally break Magna Carta Laws and United nations Human Rights laws to strike out of court illegally; c) and abuses in Labour Party’s Cabinets political Home Office’s political police forces illegal “stop and search” systems that Magna Carta and U.N Laws civilian safety laws working make illegal without jury trial, coincidenting stop and search to gather public opinions of fear of crime propaganda in political party plot to use growing fascism of stop and search and its illegal use of date gathered and sharing by date gathered for other things being criminally used in “stop and search” -(And in like Job Centre Plus disguised slavery crimes & Council benefits systems)- to frame some civilians at political party and legal system Mafias becoming fascist police state’s own whenever will to shut up civilians, and d) for New labour to make to use of illegal for ever non jury trial stop and search processes system inter-department information sharing –(Of what is then stolen information to use by fraud information to centralise, so they can delete this or add that to records to frame whom they will like Hitler did in stop and search and date sharing, and knew where people where for them to pick up into secret trial or murder them: You have children to have children endangered by creeping Labour Party & Tory Party fascism from now)- sharing to automatically break Magna Carta’s workings and United Nations anti slavery laws during their Labour Party plots to make slaves of us all sooner or later with eventual Identity Cards that is set to work and is already working, except for speed, the same “human race crimes” exactly like did in Adolph Hitler’s 1930’s IBM Computer I.D Cards system Hitler made for Nazi Germany state abuses like Blair is doing and now have in the pipe-line I.D Cards, and yet knowing all that from Mr Soares & Mr Welsh and others from 1997 & 2005 even so Tony Blair and Gordon Brown & Downing St Cabinet & their New Labour Party staff & controlled heads staff of departments have illegally used tax payers money and resources to push forward Blair’s & Ken Clark & John Reads illegal use of -(Breaking of U.N Human Rights laws and Magna Carta laws)- use of “on the spot fines” without jury trial, and his use of ASBO’S without jury trial, and has been procuring his locking up of only accused “innocent till proved guilty in open court of law” terrorist persons in Scotland jails for years without jury trial, asylum seekers in prisons without jury trial, and have also accessored himself to helped many to be held as hostage in Guantanamo Bay and into renditions without Magna Carta civilians’ safety jury trial for years, national and international political prisoners, to help power-mad-oil-hungry George Bush and his supporters to secure his secret power friends’ oil and riches’ by secret partial “filthy lucre” motives hid behind the resent gulf wars.
And so Tony Blair’s and Gordon Brown’s & Party’s Cabinet cronies have done many other crimes by taking of things form the British public’s persons, like robing safety Jury trial and access to justice and even barred some from access to and from using law court of justice in our supposed to be free democratic country, by their doing the same systematic human right law breaking crimes creeping fascism crimes on us now; even like all that Adolph Hitler did, and have treasonously set everything to steal our freedoms by plot to break U.K and UN anti-slavery law in his/ their Labour Party’s plot to slave everybody into his will/ Labour Party’s and their become secret police state abuse wills in his Compulsory Identity Cards’ and Pertemps like work agencies in John Hutton M.P’s Department of Works & Pensions Job Centre Plus crimes against slavery laws, he the P.M and whole Labour party knows is abuse of human rights laws as slavery plots, all of which are the same things done against the people of Germany to control and blackmail them to make war stock go to war 1933-45, and compelled to go to war so United nations made laws 1948 to stop all nations after 1948 doing these things Blair’s/ Gordon Brown’s Labour Party has done, and those Nazi police state similar abuse 1933-1939 to 1945 are now similar abuse done as was also done against the people of England during 1215, 1640’s and 1688 that caused the English Civil Wars to cause Magna Carta 1215-1688 laws to be over 32 time in Parliament confirmed as non-repeal-able nor changeable as they are our written constitution laws of the “rights and liberties of the people of England” and state law making limits, and so was recited over 32 times in open parliament as pre-condition of the British Crown’s Holders and hold of all public offices, that Magna Carta’s 1215-1688 legacy Jury trials laws and processes and court usage, with or without police help, is a must for our individual public safety as our birthright right to use any court of law to reach final judgement in all our issues for or against us without state or judiciary pre-sensor or delay excuse; striking out our summonses before jury trial is treason Vs UN.
So these main rights of Magna Carta jury trial and court usage public safety rights are forever ours as safety rights to have and use before all ever after 1215 generation’s political and economical vote winning excuse too or “creeping fascism” tricks that New Labour have been seducing the public into lying he Blair or Gordon Brown and their Labour Party or their Downing St PM has power to change whatever from 1066 he wants, while pretending as if or hiding the civil wars did not bind all generations and him that he or they can not do any and everything he or his sleazy secret Mafias want to bring in as law; to also line their own or their secret clubs friends pockets during our civilian and human sufferings by their tyrannical oppression and creeping fascism state he and his party, and by others planted in supposed to be impartial judiciary, has now set in place to enslave us the British by the same public abuse crept in crimes of King John, King Charles 1st, King James 2nd and their judges which were very similar abuses done by Adolph Hitler which the Unite nations passed Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948 to stop all ever states after 1948 from passing laws -(Like Blair’s Labour & Tory Parties did to now)- that break the said 30 Articles that can not be changed by any state after 1948 or else the United Nations can not exist or do anything. So Blair, Gordon brown, Millibank and al the Labour party has now committed treason, and forgery laws and theft crimes, and is herein charged, for treasons and fraud to commit and theft, even charged by us the signed civilians as did the British commons-wealth-founder-taxpayers charged and tried kings Charles 1st & James 2nd and Judges and public officers like Lord Chief Justice George Jeoffreys and other local magistrates & High Court judges for treasons, using illegal so fraud laws and powers, and for other abuses before now, since 1215 to now, and so those cases precedents from 1215 to now in the U.K -(Also helps defines what is treason in United Nations)- defined what is treason against us the civilians by M.Ps too, and so we charge Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Millibank and all their Labour Party’s business body’s M.Ps (That did not resist their Labour heads) with these charges of treason and theft herein.
WARNING TO QUEEN & ALL COURT STAFF: RE M.Ps, P.M’s & Political Party Liability: Political Parties like Labour Party must be registered as business body while all M.Ps must be elected in their liable own names – and all are only 4-5 years caretaker subcontractors in Parliament, so liable as a business body registered in Companies Houses by their own brought in law, whose party staff Members of Parliament be liable in their own elected names for their own or allowed other crimes or treason’s during their 4-5 years max hold of office, while parliament be liable for allowing such only be really subcontractors Labour Party or M.P to hurt the civilians.
WHAT IS TREASON NOW: (In U.K & United Nations)
Since Magna Carta 1215, In English Law, we have perpetuated non repeal-able Treason Offences, as defined below; and we have United Nations treason offences against the Human Race and so against all UN member States Civilians, by state leaders, also as defined below:- There is -
1) Treason against the King or Queen by deeds against the wife, so marriage blood, that endanger the true heir descending of the Crowns blood lineage or treason for direct attack to murder the Royal person whom has not themselves committed treason against the Crown’s power jurisdiction Subjects’ Civilians, or treason to stop the true heir-ship descending of the parliaments Crown to the right heir blood of the Crown.
2) Then there are Treason offences committed by the subjects or the Royal King or Queen or Kin Family themselves, for not obeying Magna Carta laws that are civilians’ and Royal’s safety laws set forever to protect us all, and which are the true laws conditions of and descending of the Crown to the real heirs; or by the Royal heir for allowing others like Tony Blair, Gordon brown & Labour Party to repeal or to not to obey Magna Carta laws and jury trials rights and the rest of our part written 1215 to now constitution laws that founded the U.K Kingdom, not treason republic, so al the laws and inheritance rights and liberties that spang off Magna Carta workings must always be here for all future generations after we all leave the world or its treason, by another sate supplanting our Kingdom intail.
3) Then there is treason by those that hide or repeal laws, rights, safety and liberties of Magna Carta – like those Labour Party treasons charged now.
4) Then since 1948 Article 30 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1848 that founded and give whatever jurisdiction to United nations, even since 1048 all laws and contrary things in any United nations Member State Country that break any of the U.N Human Rights’ 30 Articles is also treason against all United Nations Member States’ Citizens and treason against Humanity the Human Rights Laws are perpetuated under Article 30 to protect from another like Adolph Hitler’s Nazi and police state rising, just like Tony Blair, Gordon Brown new creeping fascism disguised police state rising in the UK now abusing and picking of and outlawing whom the Labour Party wants in court or baring from using or finishing of cases in courts via political and legal system Mafias’ secret string pulling across inter departments & in courts: that’s arbitrary Secret Power within the sate: So is treason, for serving not the people by public resources but M.Ps’ selves or friends or to make a new state out of one left forever to unborn heirs of royal and commons people left the future by our state’s original contracts of society and left forever laws, and tax in exchange for civilians “equal access to public services and via civilian safety Magna Cart jury trial justice not M.Ps whims or justice or their secret mafias whims in courts or by legal system political planted or secret political party controlled agents’ whims which is perversion of justice offence non impartial justice working: Treason
Our 3 Civil Wars that defines treason.
That same above defined as a treason offences, against the mass public’s jury system and against automatic use of court to jury trial final judgement rights that be committed by Tony Blair and his abuse of power gangs, are defined as treasons in our British legacy statute and precedent case laws as treason offences’ crimes, and public crimes against our common law’s enshrined human rights’ laws too. It is treason as gradually defined by Magna Carta 1215-1688; even treason by the many legal facts and events’ that happened during before, during and after the civil wars, as be mentioned in the following discourse in the a-b-c sections below:-
a) The 1215 Civil War’s events defines it as treason for anybody of any generation’s person, and their aids, to do or procure anything for delaying, deferring or removing our Magna Carta’s jury trial system or stopping any person from starting or continuing their court action in any civil and or criminal court of law. It is committing a Treason offence, against us the lay Public; and so illegal because, also then 1215, the abuse of power nearly took off the head & Crown of King John, and heads of his many political and legal system Mafia’s Parliamentary men; So that King John and they all of Parliament’s Crown’s Lords’ & Commons people had to gather at Runi mead to prevent all out war between the King’s, Lords and commoners people birth-rights, so that all had to then yet again sign to our British main “contract of society” which is “safe impartial justice for all, equal before the law, in exchange for taxes;” So they perpetually secured for all post 1215 British Generations, via signing Magna Carta, the non deniable safety jury trial via signature, so that the public safety Magna Carta’s 1215 High Court jury trial access and unquestionable rights to use any court and reach final jury judgement, in fact and law, is always every individual persons of full age’s automatically inherited public safety against abuse of power / state tyranny and secret “arbitrary power” Mafias in state political power and in supposed to be independent judiciary.
So all of us lay people must be automatic processed into final jury judgement trials and must have automatic access to use any high court to start civil and criminal any court action or defend actions to final jury trial judgement and then to appeals if we feel aggrieved by the court staff on point so flaw or fact or corruption by the other side and the court staff or corrupt secret perverting the course of justice government agents doing illegal things behind the court scenes during the fist trial by jury, like jury rigging to make sure the state win cases after it abuses the public.
Thus is why we the ordinary member of the public, have always jury trial, and do not have to use police nor state officers to represent us in court and so we must all individually also have access to any civil and criminal court and automatically pass police’s prosecutors and any magistrates court level whims, or pre-sensors, and go directly to the High Court to issued whatever court action summons into those higher courts; because these too are our inheritance public safety heirloom laws automatic anti fascist state rights, and because the heirloom laws must always be our constitutional public safety law’s, undeniable, as “individuals rights and liberties’ public safety laws and impartial justice safety “process” that must be always used in all courts “before any man shall lose anything” in civil and criminal cases; because that is the perpetuated law and safety court law’s process that is set in Magna Cartas’ 1215-1688 for our safety against all ever post 1215 future generations’ ever doings or new laws that do or allow anything in all ever political and or judicial public state offices or courts to be contrary to Magna Carta Laws. So Tony Blair, a lawyer, and his whole corrupt legal system Mafia plants in the Judiciary, and other state offices, know they have to be guilty as charged herein against Tony Blair too, because those Magna Carta laws and said rights are also laws made perpetually as our liberties safety jury and safety court usage rights’ as our safety against all ever political or corruption whims of sly use of “fear of crime” vote winning propaganda excuses by Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and all ever generations’ of Political Parties’ or and economical people’s excuses, because happened in the 3 civil wars they now are also often in secret Mafias in all public departments’ in abuse of power’s sleaze/ or in their corrupt political and judicial agents they appoint or procured into public office to execute what the party or the Mafias want via non real laws but for self profit or vote winning tricks on the public to seduce the public to allow them to become gradual fascist and tyrants on the rest of the public as happened in al the revolutions and in Nazi Germany like eras.
So then it is now today, as of days of old, even treason to deny or suspend jury trial use or stopping anyone from full court access to final judgement; because of many plants into the legal system by political and economical parties agents. So courts must be accessible and non be above the law, so that no secret secretly planting of biased staff be crept into the law courts or judiciary or into any level of our legal system of police, Crown prosecutors, defence lawyers, Sheriffs, bailiffs again to abuse the people as, like Magna Carta’s days and our 3 civil wars, is been now done to day that are the same crimes done by many abusing of power’s Kings, Queens, Lords M.Ps, Commons M.Ps, Magistrates, Police & Crown Prosecutors’ officer’s all of whom then, like today, do not want the Jury usage system for the world to see what they do to us in secret, Mafias, or in bogus illegal non jury trials, so that they that hold non jury trials, or on the spot fines, and such like summary jurisdictions now, do now commit the same collective treasons in all done now against the jury trial system and against the said state laws that the state agents like police must first use jury trial court of law before any person lose anything, to now. But what about the relationship collective treason committed by Blair after treason by non jury trials and no access to courts. The crimes of relative collective treason in Tony Blair’s New Labour Party’s seducing the Queen in tricking our the present UK Queen impeach her into their treasons by tricking her to illegally stamp their forgery procured new anti jury and anti full court access laws which is criminal deception treason to trap her majesty the Queen (Or any her heirs to continue them) to stamp fraudulently procured forgery pretending to be laws against the original said jury trial system of which such seduction of the royal signature and seal to forgery pretending laws is also treason offence, which can also remove her to for her accessory to these treasons, like treason that removed King Charles 1st’ by treason trial & King James 2nd’s default for treason against the lay public the “Tax payer commonwealth’s” public jury trial system.
b) And because since confirmed again in 1640’s; Jury trial removal or jury trial denial and refusal to let the lay people use the courts up to final jury trial are also defined as treason offences against the common’s lay public, because it was also part of the treasons committed by the King, Lords & Commons M.Ps, prosecutors, and judges that caused our 2nd main Civil War 1641-45; So that after that civil war, there were held treason trials against illegal law makers and abusers of power by public office’s officers, such as the trial that took the Crown and head of King Charles 1st for his treason of allowing and causing the denying of jury trial and or refusing to let the lay public use the courts of law to reach final jury trial judgement in the people’s demanded use of courts’ for securing their private prosecution use of High Courts to sue for or defend their rights, liberties, obligations and or as defendant; then there were also trials and loss of the heads of some of the King Charles 1st public officers’ that were operating secret and open legal system and political party Mafia in corruption with their friends in the Commons M.Ps, in Lords MPs, in Local Magistrates & High Court judges’ friends, in Local Magistrates, High Court Civil & Criminal Circuit Court Justices, in Crown prosecutors, in Constables, in Sheriffs & bailiffs-wicks, just like what is happening here in the UK today by Mafias behind the public offices, so is treason so they can not open their mouths when this summons herein reaches trial of Tony Blair and his unrepentant new labour party member concurrently in the pipe line as co-defendants next too;
c) And jury trial denial or jury trial removal or access to initiate our own private prosecution into any of the High Court to reach final Jury trial, is also defined as treason because such denial or refusal from our birthright legacy jury trial and full court usage laws’ Magna Carta system, and inheritance use of them, is also defined these abuses as treason, as is plainly proved to be treason offences in our third English War Revolution called the “Quite Revolution of 1688, so is now our precedence law, founded on non repeal-able Magna Carta 1215-1688 constitutional statute and case laws; and so is now chargeable as treason by the lay public in this petition or in summons or complaint letter, as herein, which in whatever formation is always warranted, again now against Tony Blair and all, as defined committed now treasons again as be defined lawful to do so now as in the said 3rd English Civil War 1688 that happened as proof of our rights and liberties of Jury and non stoppable layman’s automatic non pre-censored full use of High Court or any courts of law. That 3 Revolution was due for a full war to take the heads of the court justice, the King James 2nd, himself that ran to France; and the same civil war did take some of the 1688 public offices holds of office and the heads of some of Parliament’s Commons & Lords MPs, with head of High Court Judges’ like Lord Chief Justice George Jeffreys, Local Magistrates, Crown Prosecutors & Constables, local councillors for their abuses that amounted to treasons’ by denying jury trial or and treason for removing or deferring people from jury trials, or and treason for stopping people from issuing into or using any court, or and for stop or hinder the lay people from reaching public safety Crown Court jury trial final judgement as private prosecutor or as defendant; And that 3rd civil war also defined these offences as treason too for them that abuse of their public office power then in 1688 as the same treasons now for anyone passing any post 1688 new laws contrary to Magna Carta laws’ herein said jury and court usage laws, which such contrary new laws after 1688 are then and now must be classed as “forgery pretending laws” and classed as forgery pretending powers” that never really had any power; So now hence all of them must be even found against Tony Blair and his cronies to be as pretending laws as they are ant- jury trial laws now, and they be now pretending to be post 1688 new laws of limits illegally being used as pre-censure of the present layman’s court action wishes and stopping court usage rights so are being used as pretending laws, also for legal system and political party Mafia officers cover-up of their crimes and treason because all of them have skeletons in the system now so they will that wants to use the forgery pretending laws to stop the public reaching final jury trial and so hope to stop themselves from being expose in their legal system Mafias use of forgery and bogus laws.
N.B: They in the now present political and legal system Mafias, involved in today abuses and herein said treasons, will resist this petition summons to hide their own parts in these treason and their crimes against the public caused by the treasons charged herein. So they in the system could not be asked herein to put the house in order because of their own crimes, so they can not be judge nor jury ion these issues and will be criminally charged in their person if they try to procure them to be judges of these crimes herein because I they are allowed to be judge by the Queen or UN they in the Mafias here in the UK, and their agents friends’ planted into U.N, will want to continue to use the present false pretending to be laws against our jury and court access rights that they are now illegally using to stop the layman from using any National public safety Crown Court usage, or stop us from using the courts against any national or local Police, Crown Prosecutors & Magistrates, Legal System Mafias, and or against the present disguised kidnapping of lay people by any state officer or new law to stop us getting safer justice via jury trial against state officers or other’s crimes they in state office or the lay public do to us: Like now they today don’t want to let the lay public get to jury trial at all to expose their treasons along the way, nor let us kangaroo the local political party elected Magistrates Court Magistrates or staff to get over into the Crown Court Jury trial usage, nor after they illegally hinder us do they want us to emergency kangaroo over the magistrates or Crown Court over to our constitutional law’s Lords of Appeals against their Legal System Mafias robbing jury trial to frame us today.
Non is above the law as herein a) King’s John, Charles 1st, James 2nd and their judges and M.Ps of Parliaments Lords & Commons, and other public officers that did the same treason crimes against the British public people, were not above the law in 1215, 1640’s and 1688, b) nor be ever above the law now as be plain in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948’s 30 Articles that founded the United Nations, so that the U.N can not be the U.N without force in the 30 Articles as U.N’s absolute number one main objective, and as the U.N’s 30 Human Rights Laws Articles be also in the later E.U Human Rights 6 Conventions’ laws that is also acknowledging that the U.N 30 Articles of Human Rights Act 1948 is the foundation of E.U laws, and as the U.N’s 30 Human Rights Acts Articles be also the main world foundation Human Rights Laws and justice standards, as be also all in the U.N Member States’ law making 30 laws limits passed by U.N in 1948 as UN Human Rights laws to be used what law is allowed in all member states since 1948 to stop all UN member states’ state abuse of their peoples by member state bogus laws after 1948 too. So no be above the law, not even Tony Blair M.P right now herein charged with others to join as his co-defendants that do not U-turn from their present treason crimes against our jury system and rights to use any court ourselves without police or paid lawyer.
So all these said 3 English Civil Wars resulted in an all generations’ permanent set defined treason offence (1215-1688) of treason, against the lay people, for anyone to make or do anything to remove, deny, defer or subvert our 1215-1688 defined Jury trial system. So Tony Blair, Courts, Political Party Lord Chancellors, Political party agent elected Judges, Political Party controlled Attorney Generals, political Party controlled court’s officers, and all indicated herein, are also pending next under these charges against Tony Blair M.P, that is charged by us the lay people now, because it is still treason for anyone, after 1215, to ever try to or do anything towards removing, suspending, deferring or denying us from our inherited public safety jury trials or to stop or hinder us from use of any High Court or to intimidate this charge sheet against Blair and all or intimidate it or the herein charges via political or any media friends in or out of state power or by any sly planted on Tony Blair or his Party’s secret inside corrupt public or judiciary officers, who have skeletons with the treasons, herein, anyway they or him tread hence.
This herein is charging treason because, the now Legal System Mafias’ are denying many laymen/women their inheritance of jury trial in High Court Civil and or Crown Court of whatever level of offence charged as defendant or want to use court as private prosecutor/ litigant. Also charged with more pending treason charges against all non U-turning defence lawyers that are in the present Legal System Mafias’ selling out clients and lying to the accused that jury trial is not an automatic birthright public safety (No MP in power 4 up to 5 years maximum caretaker of parliament or public office can lawfully steal these/ birthrights: For mass Theft or Embezzlement of perpetual statutes or birthrights is treason)- jury trial right, that made against all ever Political and Legal System Mafias ever using sly planted police & local Magistrates & staff to kidnap and pull Legal System Mafia’s interdepartmental strings to then hold bogus non jury trials to stash away members of the public -(In prison or get criminal record or “on licence” control)- that the Political Party & Legal System Mafias can not shut up or control, and so pull legal system Mafias’ strings to kidnap who they want, when they want, and use Mafia non jury trial Magistrates for them cut secret deals out of writing for them in the legal system Mafias to cover-up each others skeletons, they know on each other, in the legal system’s police, CPS, Magistracy etc’s Mafia’s, and for cover-up crimes after lawyers sell out clients to police & CPS or local councils against their clients safety and impartial justice process, or to cover-up various diverse abuse on the public servants of various departments for near secret motives or mystery working motives: Which is fascism & tyranny: Nazi Germany? Are you are next, or your relatives or children, and your grand children as their Mafia grow.
Old sayings are: All things evil rise and falls, evil always falls. So you that Cut deal with devils today will pay tomorrow, at least children too, especially when Blair’s Mafia’s now operating across all public departments be like Nazi Germany 1933-45 is so rife. It will even turn back to eat each other. Just take 1 in the mafia to be hurt to fall out with mafia, then others will eat you or else you must go to word media and tell all to the world now or suffer later: N.B. If you be bent reader herein, note this is copywrited © only for use by its supporters and in court; Not usable by bent you?
All U.K and U.N Countries Citizens, public please sign this, as we are all now co-prosecutors, for us all the taxpayers to get United Nations to help us too, to use our inherited UK treason laws and precedents as warranting these treason charges to remove Tony Blair, his new Labour, and any of our state’s public offices abusers of power he or his friends planted as political and Legal System Mafias agents, he or his representatives planted into the supposed to be independent British Local Police, Crown Prosecutors, Magistracies & into National public safety Crown Court Judiciary for their treason to now they will want to be covered-up hence for their Tony Blair, His party Lord Chancellor illegally over the supposed to be independent non political party controlled Judiciary & Courts, his Parties Attorney General, His selection of Party Cabinet & secretaries of state that share his treason sin so will all want to cover-up for their treason to continue the treasons if they his agents and years of planted appointees can defeat this.
N.B Common law and human rights impartiality workings says: Political Party secretly controlling the independent execution of laws in any national circuit high court Judiciary, Courts’ staff, local Magistracy, Police force & Crown Prosecutions is partial, illegal and is part of the amounting to treason done by Blair’s lot now, and why jury trial is by the whole legal system being now refused to the public’s safety use, by politics that is illegal to plant judges to side with their political whims and not side with impartial public safety laws and processes left to us in legacy laws. They know our real laws do not allow Law the makers (Legislator) to have secret power in the administration of law, and know that the Jury is the real public safety judges of all accused people, not judged by local Magistrates ever sitting without the 12 jury persons for Magistrates secretly look after their political party or Legal System Mafias interest or skeletons without jury, or to cover-ups for local or national political parties: That is non jury secret Magistrates / High Court Justices only judgement trick is the front line part of how Tony Blair’ lot is doing the said Treason on the people too?
Thus, this criminal treason charge sheet impeaches Tony Blair himself, his New Labour, all Royal Courts of Justices’ National Central Registry’s Personnel & Justices, all Department of Constitutional Affairs heads & Staff, all Department of Justice & Court Services heads & management Staff, all County Courts staff & Justices, all local political party elected & controlled Magistracies’ Magistrates’ and all their area & local Magistrates Court’s heads & their Magistrates Court Clerk & staff & Associations, with all the heads of Court Services & its many staff & all their appointees; and all the House of Law Lords and High Court Justices and Judiciary of this realm and their appointees, police & public Prosecutors that have allowed the removal, deferring from, or refusal of access to our public safety jury trials system already defined, and left us as individual and collective heirlooms laws and rights, for our safety against politicians and corruption in Judiciary, Courts, Public prosecutors, and police and their appointees, as be set forever in many of our British “Part written constitutional laws” of 1215-1688: These treasonist, all knew or their conscience knew, when they gradually hid or accessorised in the hiding of or disuse of those Magna Carta civilians safety al generations laws, fraudulently pretending some are repealed, did so wickedly for them to get away with their denial of public jury trial and or court usage denial treasonously against the lay public so far; with help of the police chiefs etc, that also knew that Theft of these public safety against abuse of power Birthrights and real laws were theft crimes too: So they are gagged?
Contents of the Charge Sheet TO Queen & Royal Courts of Justice via Mr Joslyn Welsh and signed supporters
(Maybe refined more latter):
Count 1 Vs Tony Blair & Gordon Brown & New Labour Party Leader in their person & their Labour Party Business body Count 1 is part of these Tax-Payers-Multi-Party-Private-Prosecutors’ treason charge sheet, so that we the below signed tax-payer do charge you -(Starting with you with you first then other co-defendants to follow)- Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair’s New Labour Party P.M of 10 Downing St, London, so that we the undersigned, via proxy, do now charge you in your person, that you have stolen our legacy constitutional laws birthright jury trial system by procuring the -(Some gradual)- illegal removal of our non removable jury trial for all system, by you causing -(Or allowing your officers)- that Royal Courts of Justice’ High Curt, Crown Courts, County Courts and Magistrates Courts’ claim that your Labour Party people -(Purporting to be the lawful government)- have told them or instructed them that they, in various levels of the High Court Criminal and Civil Division and Local County Court & Magistrates Courts -(Including police and crown prosecutors)- have power to stop any civil and or criminal issues prosecutor or and defendant or the accused person from getting to or reaching his/ her High Court or Crown Court Jury trial final judgement after Jury trial be left as birthrights for all the lay civilians to use to be safer against political and or judicial corruption, to be operated impartially in the independent judiciary of all ever generations of the British State, and so you (And your New Labour and their planted men into the legal system), and they the courts’ Justice controllers, and obeyers, have committed treason by you leading your political party in fascist behaviours in their and your parties influences in the illegal procuring of removing or hindering of our automatic in all cases automatic jury trial rights and usage, thus breaking Magna Carta 1215-1688 public safety -(Against fascism and secret political and Legal System Mafias)- maxims’ laws, of 1215-1688; even breaking them, treasonously too, so stealing them from some civilians, like Mr J Welsh prosecuting herein too, after you knew Magna Carta was meant to be always forever a public safety judicial tool against all ever to be politicians, High Court Division and local Magistracy, abuses of power and human rights abuses, because jury justice trial is the only safe way left to us civilians as impartial justice public inheritances, for public safety; and so you knew that jury trial in High Court Civil Division & Crown Court criminal Division -(Kangaroo over Magistrates and County Court and all court staff opinions of summonses contents)- is automatic “birthright of the people of England” with Magna Carta Laws, and so all in civil and criminal cases all have automatic direct access to high court jury trial -(Without any delay of process or political and or legal system or excuses or secret behind the court scenes string pulling mafias tricks)- after tendering our summonses into any civil court or after one appearance at any local magistrates court level for registering claim or offence in local Magistrates Court till High Court Circuit justices come into the local area or get the case next stage, which is always a must to up to the High Court Crown Court Division Jury system, or in civil cases up to High Court Civil Division court’s Jury system, that’s to be always in force to be in all generations to be always done here in the British Realm’s places as the lay people’s jury trial safety barrier against all ever to be -(Local and National MPs)- court staff and justices mafias and or against all ever generations Legislative-law making abuses or against state departments abuses, and safety barriers against all ever allowed state powers or illegal laws, because Magna Carta laws/ maxims and its Jury trial system and processes are pre-limits of what any post 1688 Parliament’s ever 4-5 years maximum elected temporary caretaker Member of Parliament or any ever life time caretaker King or Queen can ever pass as law or process ever to be use on the British or any other state’s public; and so you knew that Jury trial must always be absolute right of civilians and must be used as also pre-condition limits of ever court process laws allowed into Parliament’s powers or ever post of 1215-1688 new laws. So you a barrister or not in politics or not, and the state highest officers and court staff and justices, all knew the condition limits of what you or Tony Blair, or anybody in Parliament or in public office after 1215, can or can not use on the public as real or allowed laws or administration tools without committing treason, as did Kings Charles 1st & James 2nd committed; So, as prime minister, knowing this realm and jury trial was founded on pain of treason to do the contrary, you knew that the jury trial -(As Magna Carta jury trial maxims’ bulwarks laws set)- is always to be there for stopping you, and all persons, from ever becoming a Member of our British Parliament to do the contrary to jury trials rights; So that there is now no excuse for you, nor any of your party, nor administration’s in any department nor appointees of staff in departments nor in any department of justice, so that non of you or public officer can now or ever claim you did not know that Magna Carta’s 1215-1688 all maxims laws and rights and liberties act as an always -(Non change-able, treason charger of you all too)- all British generations’ pre-condition against all ever to become Member of any level of Parliament’s National and or Local Council’s Department’s or organs, and so be condition of any to hold the Royal Crown whom you have now helped others in politics, public department administration, and the judiciary to trick the Queen to seal forgery anti-jury laws or false powers against the people. You tricked the Queen for you to get away with these attacks on our civil liberties, jury and rights to use courts without pre-censure (Without any pre-baring any from use of court too) or pre-time limits or statute of limitations -(Non in Magna Carta nor U.N Human Rights laws)- nor any prejudging by courts any person before jury reads and try the summonses or cases -(So that court staff without conflicts of interests be not playing against litigants share of justice for friends, justices or court staffs, or politicians or parties crimes to be covered-up by court staff prejudging to use tricks and excuses to blocking summonses from reaching jury trials)- cases, because you and your officers knew that Magna Carta is also pre-condition of all public administrative offices operations, including to become Member of parliament, becoming local councillors, officer of any level of the courts, Local authorities, Local political party picked Magistracy, Police, and National Civil and or Crown Court Justices and appointees -(Jury trial and old law process is Public safety agent from the crown in Circuits to jury trial Magistrates & Police & crown prosecutors that abuse power too);- Yet you have committed these treasons against the great charters of Liberties, the Kingdoms founders of royal & civilian progenitors, us alive civilians and against unborn heirs of jury trial laws, even treason by you robbing people of Jury trial to stop them reaching final jury judgement, and stopped or helped hindered many from reaching full usage of courts to reach final jury judgement by whatever pre censure against civilians criminal and or civil actions summonses before they reach jury trial final judgement or reach the eyes of Jurors for 12 jurors to say if the summonses need amending or not or was it court staffs or their secrets conflicts of interests friends secret malice victimise civilians summonses by pre question of or per judging summonses contents to hinder or stop them reaching the jurors eyes. There in without jury trial and its safety old laws process is your treasonous “Arbitrary Power” via operating abuse-able whatever in the illegal bulwarks of non-jury-trials and no access to use any court: by political and economical Mafias!
Therefore We the herein assigned tax-payer claim and charge that you Tony Blair, your new Labour Party, all High & County Court & Magistrates appointees of Staff, all High & Crown & Magistrates Court Justices and Court Services & staff pre-knew that it is treason to remove our 12 juror public safety jury trial system or to deny or defer anyone from its safe justice by you denying many of the public like Mr Welsh, access to the civil actions Jury trial or in any Crown Court, and yet you have, in your respective parts in politics or and administration of public departments, even still even gone as far off track, of safety jury trial process, in as far as you have been illegally engaged in or been allowing the robbing of civilians absolute right to safety jury trials in civil and criminal cases, and so been also using illegal laws never allowed and using or allowing illegal powers and pretending to be laws, in public departments of justice via your Political New-Labour Party’s -(Non independent)- Secretary of State’s illegal warranting police forces to break Magna Carta 1215 maxims -(Of no man shall lose anything till be tried by his peers)- by illegally holding accused civilians without being them charge the same day they are arrested, using blackmail of accused in Magistrates system to rob manyof jury trials or procured a lie some offences are only defendable without jury trial so must be head in Magistrates court only, and you have also allowed or procured some of the public to be tried --(Against their written will too)- without Crown Court jury trial in the Crown Court which are after 3 civil wars always illegal and be treason to hold or procure any non jury trial in any civil and or criminal court in this legacy British Realm -(left to the not yet born and us alive to pass on)- that has the said written legacy jury trial constitutional laws that you know are non changeable legacies left to us, and left to the not yet born public for our safety as are founded on laws such as Magna Carta 1215-1688: “To be kept in this Kingdom of England forever, to our heirs and successors to have and to hold to them and their heirs and successors forever in this kingdom of England for ever that – to no man shall justice be denied, sold or deferred -(By any excuse or power)-…and that no man shall lose his life, limb, liberty, goods, chattels nor anything, except he be attached by writ original -(Summons and have proof they had it and knew, like last King of Wales, up to 3-5 times in summons returns: “or by due process”)- and be tried by his peers of 12 lawful men his peer” and not ever tri-able by any Royal Courts of Justice Staff, nor by Court Master/ Registrars or court staff judging summonses, nor by any justices without jury trial nor tried by siting without jury Local Magistrates Court Magistrates, nor by any High Court Justices whoever sitting without the said 12 jurors, nor by tried by any “stop and search” police practices, nor be tried by Crown Prosecutors without jury tricks, nor by secretary of state nor Cabinet after 3 civil wars 1215, 1640’s & 1688; So that, after Magna Carta 1215 for civilian safety against abuse of power, all trials and justice mechanisms that do cause any man to lose anything is illegal, except after 12 jurors jury trial “his peers” final judgement, so trial by non- 12 jury jurors or trial without magna Cart’s “Process according to the Old Law of the land” –(Safe default “or by process according to the old law of land, and if anything be done to the contrary it shall be void in law and holdden for error in time to come”… not times for new court process after perpetual old law process)- are not, after Magna Cart 1215, ever lawful laws nor ever lawful process mechanism, nor ever lawful trial nor prejudgement of any civilian rights, liberties and or obligations, and so is what you and the Labour Party & others have done without jury trials first are really disguised Nazi style illegal powers breaking Magna Carta & United nations laws and so be also doing creeping fascism by doing or allowing or procuring bogus unlawful non jury trials, and so is treason against the British Nation & against United Nations by so many done without jury trials and so are treasons that are same like criminal and treason in our British Constitutional written and cases laws which you have done or aided in against alive now civilians at large by non jury trial behaviours that are same treason done by and was tried against King Charles 1st & James 2nd & Lord Chief Justice George Jeoffreys & others; and even now your are or have been doing or procuring, by non jury trials, fascism police sate just like what was being executed in Nazi Germany, secret non jury trials by secret partisans’ police, partisan’s secret prosecutors and defence lawyers, secret partisans’ magistrates, secret partisans jailors, secret SS & Gestapo & cross department information sharing & ID cards systems, to gradually till openly blackmail and control the whole full German people in all crimes done on each other and on non Germans and other races by the crimes in the rise and fall of Adolph Hitler’s 1933-45 fascism, because of non jury trial which are also modern human rights abuse of power and illegal laws and German behaviours for us here today to also to use as case law from United Nations’ by cause and effects case laws, as nazi fascism and human rights abuses 1933-45, via United Nations that made their U.N organisations founding 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act in 1948 to join or make sure that the principles of U.K Magna Carta 1215-1688, -(Enshrined in USA Constitution too)- said above Magna Carta State power or laws maxim have limits, so Magna Carta are always to obeyed inside all those modern United Nations 1948 Acts 30 Articles of Human Rights, so that the U.K signing to the U.N 1948 Acts’ Article 30 gave automatic force of the U.N 30 Articles here in the U.K from 1948 to now, from when it was signed by U.K in 1948, and so since 1948 be also permanent written constitutional laws here in the UK to stop these said abuse that your New Labour Party & their department’s appointees in whatever public office have now dared you to do or allowed you, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and whoever charged herein, to do so illegally and treasonously against or to the civilian public; and so you and the Labour Party and agents are gradually endangering the world into fascism, and committed treason by such mass crimes against our jury system and United Nations 30 Articles of Human Rights via political and Legal System Mafias that’s now doing the same human rights crimes by abuse of power, and using illegal laws not allowed, on civilians, like those that caused 3 English Wars, as Magna Carta defined and warranted legal actions in this herein tax-payers civilian concurrent multi- prosecutors -(Against multi defendants)- treason charge sheet summonses, warranted and protected in Magna Carta U.K law for us civilians to issue as one into any high court and or into United Nations Human Rights criminal Crimes Court via virtue of cause and result of our 3 English Civil Wars 1215, 1641 & 1688 that are precedents, and preconditions of al heir to the British Crown -(Left to others after us)- and their insteads in any public offices by legacy Coronation Oaths’ linking back into the royal and commons progenitors wills and forever to be laws that founders of this Kingdom that not re-public-able, but has Magna Carta Jury trial laws and processes to protect us from tyrants, so that now today non charged herein today be above the law.
So you the Labour Party, all its M.Ps & Cabinet & heads of and Judiciary and court staff nationally, with Gordon Brown & Tony Blair and next leader of Labour Party and al its M.Ps must in person next plea to this herein count of denying jury trial to the public, by example of since 22 June 2006 pulling Labour Party & Tory Party political & legal system Mafias strings to work ambush and or totally stopping Mr Joslyn Welsh from reaching his jury trial in the London Courts against your Royal Courts of Justice & Lord Chancellor and other Court staff and heads and others in Mr Welsh’s summonses in court dated 22 June & 31 July & 17 august 2006, and whoever other defendants since June 2006, caused by what the labour Party, and you charged in person herein, have contributed by your illegal public office administration against the civilian Magna Carta jury final judgement trial system and safety default “process according to the old law of the land,” and for stopping people like Mr Welsh from using the courts he wants to use without such unlawful legal system mafias and hindrances.
Pleas point of this count 1 Vs Tony Blair, Gordon Brown & each Labour Party M.P: Like Saddam Hussein & the 1990’s Serbian leaders were not above the law, so you are charged that you have committed, at least to now, Human Rights abuse in your treasonous criminal theft of automatic public safety Magna Carta jury trial laws to make it as if it is not an inheritance or public safety against political party abuse of the public. So do you The Labour Party Business body, you Tony Blair & Gordon Brown (Insert M.Ps name here)/ , in your person, plead guilty or not guilty of taking part in the Labour Party’s treason against civilians safety by stealing of our public safety jury trial automatic birthright in al civil and criminal cases as of civilian right; against political party preferences.
N.B Subsequently, because public safety Jury trial is robbed by treason now, this is also a multi-party taxpayers’ plaint-petition of treason-charge-sheet to the Queen & United Nations Human Rights Court against Tony Blair for his and his parties and his police & Crown prosecutor’s and fascist Court officers illegal persistent use of pretending detention laws that were never allowed by Magna Carta, 16 Car 1 Cap 10 Act and British 1688 Bill of Rights legacy public safety laws that say nobody has ever any lawful power or ever to be allowed to have any power to hold people without same day charge.
Count 2 Vs Labour Party Business body, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and each and every Labour Party M.P & agent in their person (Who never resisted Blair’s & 10 Downing St’s treasons against Jury trials, use of court etc)
That you Labour Party business body, you Tony Blair in your person, Gordon Brown in your person, you M.P in your person, and while you in Her Majesty’s stead in person, are now charged that you are guilty in that you have procured or allowed your cabinet officers such as the Lord Chancellor and Local Magistracies and their appointees to illegally allow magistrates to use illegal local court powers to pretend that Magna Carta public safety laws as anti-state abuse laws ever allowed Local magistrates to hold full trials when they are only allowed register the crown/ private prosecutors alleged charges against an defendant in their local Magistrates court and then give non previous –bail-breaker a bail until the Crown’s National High Court Circuit Justices come in the circuit to get and host the accused 12 peer jurors jury trial. This you and your New Labour administration have deliberately done so that no one can get pass the magistrates and so that lay people that want to use private prosecution themselves can not pass the magistrates to the Crown Court to get justice against private citizens nor to take out corrupt public officers from public office, which your government administration have done against the Great Charters of liberties public court usage access rights via your letting our ancient Lord Chancellor office be supplanted by your new 2002 Constitutional Affairs Department to treasonously supplant the Ancient Lord Chancellors Department and have rigged things around all the courts for no lay man/ woman to get pass the Local Magistrates -(Or Court Services, that are not judges anyway)- to start cases in the Crown Court Jury trial system Public Safety National Circuit Crown Court to prove that Local Magistrates, local police, local and National Crown Prosecutors are corrupt and are in an illegal Legal System Mafia hurting the public and refusing them to reach jury trial in the Crown Court. We the public know that police started cases have to be started in Local magistrates Courts but we know that private prosecutors do not have to go to the conflicts of interests Magistrates first but have birthright to public safety law rights to go straight to the Crown’s as public safety National safer level’s Circuit High Court -(Crown Court Jury trial system)- against who ever we wish to private prosecute -(Magistrates are not judges only recorders and passers of only allowed one Magistrates Court hearing’s intended defence cases directly into crown Court Jury trial and that is why we had 3 civil wars against Political planted local magistrates or and legal System Mafia Magistrates in collusion s with Police and Crown prosecutors and sometime sell out lawyers that make quick money so take on too many cases and when they can not cope with too many cases so the defence lawyers make out of writing deals with Crown prosecutors to sell out or not put up proper defence to sell out the accused person because they took on too may cases, so sell them out for quick money from legal aid and then with skeletons in CPS and Defence lawyers over the years it becomes a Mafia of police, CPS and court staff and some defence lawyers that allow remand of non persistent repeated-bail-breakers to make sure police get a better chance to win cases while defendants in remand suffer mind and other material loses before full jury find them guilty to then lose anything as Magna Carta says is illegal to lose anything until after full jury trial or at least sign to guilt, so how come punishment before trial is allowed; which is another treason charge we have against Tony Blair and his friends to follow).
However, you and your Labour party have made the law courts a illegal monopoly for only the Crown prosecution and police to use which, is illegal and a perverting the course of justice crime and now treason because of the laws said above, and because we all have right to use the courts to final judgement by jury of our rights, liberties and public crimes we claim be done against our selves by lay people or state officers, and so don’t have to use police; So we have automatic access to Crown Court too, but your New Labour Party administration people in politics, illegally controlling leading, regulating and appointing people in the supposed to be civilian safety impartial judiciary, and court services, have now rigged the court usage systems and staff as illegal bars against our civilian’s private prosecution access and are illegally stopping civilian access to use higher than County Courts or from using Magistrates Courts or getting any higher than local political party picked/ employed Magistrates Courts staff that’s closed shop -(Illegally only to police & Labour party picked CPS staff brought complaints registering, blackmailing or cohersing accused not to got u to Crown Court jury or trapping them or lying to them saying they can not have jury trial or lying can only have magistrates trials, via sell out to police station duty lawyers)- operating illegal contrary to Magna Carta Jury trial systems, especially when the Magistrates -(As in the J Welsh cases in Birmingham and London Courts, stagnant 2006 - to now)- are in the corruption trouble because the Magistrates Courts are also being used to hostage us to use them only, so that no jury trial in Crown Court can hear about their own Magistracy & Courts staffs’ crimes committed in the Magistracy and by police, Prosecutors and other state officers (So these have no non jury trial say Vs these herein charges or they be charged next). That is treason of denying us the lay public use of our public tax payers’ Crown Courts, and jury too, as the same treason against justice committed by King Charles and James 2nd and lost their head & Crown with judges & M.Ps too.
Pleas point of this count 2 Vs Labour Party’s Business body, and you Tony Blair, you Gordon Brown, you a Labour Party M.P charged in each in person: So do you each respectively as party and in person plead guilty or not guilty of procuring the present illegal Royal Courts of Justice’s, County Counts’, and magistrates courts’ non jury trial systems for them and political parties to hinder or total stop the public from using the Civil High Court or Crown Court to reach full jury trial judgement; of which by the way stops them reaching their public safety jury trial in defence or against corrupt political parties, corrupt justices of any court, corrupt court staff of any court, and corrupt staff High Court & Crown Court heads & Management set to stop civilians cases against bent Court Justices, bent Court Services Staff, bent Local political appointed Magistrates, bent Police, bent Crown prosecutors and against whoever be bent in the state or public departments who the public wishes to private prosecute in any our ancient inherited Kingdom’s forever set-up for public safety national divisional civil Circuit High Court’s or and criminal Circuit Crown Court’s Magna Carta laws Jury trial court system. (We the tax-payer demand your plea to this disrespect to our public safety rights and safer access to justice).
The real laws of England must be executed against the herein treasons and thefts of civilian birthrights and laws or the Queen is accessory to treason like said kings Charles 1st & James 2nd that did or allowed the same crimes on civilians 1640’s & 1688.
The real laws of England must be executed against the herein treasons and thefts of civilian birthrights and laws or the Queen is accessory to treason like said kings Charles 1st & James 2nd that did or allowed the same crimes on civilians 1640’s & 1688.
What we ask the Queen or and United Nations Human Rights Court for:
We United nations United Kingdom civilians ask: That these two treason charges against The Labour Party body, and against each Labour Party M.P in person, such as Tony Blair & Gordon Brown & whole Labour Party Cabinet, be all tried in person in open world human race and human rights crimes’ abuses court, with 12 lay non political people as impartial jurors -(To be agreed with our main herein agents)- in these that are also criminal and human rights abuse charges; and that the punishment be that:-
a) He Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and all Labour Party’s current and new
Labour Political Party Leaders/ Cabinet Departments heads -(Secretaries of State)- be permanently removed from all public offices; with all their other heads of and all member of the Judiciary and Judge makers; with all Department of Justice & Court Services Departments’ heads and Management, all Home offices heads & management staff, with all local Magistracy magistrates makers, magistrates, magistrates courts’ heads and all courts regional heads,’ all Magistrates Courts’ Clerk, with all Magistrates Senior Staff; with all heads of Police from Chief Superintendents up to the Chief Constables of all forces; and with all Crown Prosecutors and head staff of all their CPS departments; and so remove them all with the Labour Party Attorney General & all his CPS staff: to be all removed too; because all these will be next to be charged in their person with the treasons, and other stealing and U.K constitutional fraud offences, concurrently, after Tony Blair & Gordon Brown & Labour Party M.Ps & whole Labour Party stand trial, as co-defendants, also with all law teachers that say the jury trial, demanded herein to as said stolen, is not our birthright and inheritances left to us, and to all the not yet born all members of the British public -(And equally left for foreign visitors right to, in case of state plot Vs some that have right or business here)- that only thieves could dare steal our public safety jury trial rights and other things to be charged as also treason, because that was the cause of civil wars 1215, 1641 & 1688.
b) With this punishment for treason, We also ask that he Tony Blair, & who be PM, do forfeit and so lose his, and all Labour Party’s money & Goods, and all Labour Party’s M.P’s respective to lose all money & goods as did Kings Charles 1st 1640’s lost all & Crown after 1640’s Civil War, and as King James 2nd & judges & M.Ps like Lord Chief Justice Jeoffreys all lost after Civil Wars 1688: By Authority of and precedence cases’ laws founded on Magna Cart law’s practices did leave all civilians of all post 1215 generations from 1215 to 1688 of which real laws we uses now Vs Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Labour Party Cabinet -(And their Labour Party M.Ps in their Secret Political and legal system Mafias) that have been hiding those state trial laws from most of the civilian public for politicians party mafias to get away with these said treasonous levels of fascist and tyrannical abuses of civilian safety jury trial systems -(Including the illegal repeal of the house of Lords which is there to watch for us the lay public and raise up army against the Commons MPs that go too far, like 1215 & 1641 & 1688, against our rights and liberties public safety like jury trial herein robbed by Blair and his cronies. Blair planted his men from the commons onto the House of Lords Bench treasonously to gag the Lords bench and so get away with these treasons so far, and others treasons against the lay public that he has to face charges for later); and to getaway with what is really political and legal system mafias’ that are working arbitrary power that is not allowed in these Kingdom that’s left to us, and unborn heirs, by civilian safety laws in Magna Carta, so these M.Ps have been – operating a state within our state – so is treason by political mafia secret power within our state: Set to frame and to shut up who they want in secret, with no jury’s 12 Magna Carta jury peers usage or bulwarks to watch for our civilians’ safety against political party tyrants in many heads of departments. Therefore,
c) We assigned do ask the Queen to dissolve our British Parliament for a new British General Election, and Local Election, to take its course, as she may appoint non political party, and non legal system Mafia, people to take interim care of all public administration departments until the new government is formed -(Her real Royal family may be worth partaking in some departmental administration try until new government is formed). And therefore,
d) If the Queen sells us and justice out: We also ask the United Nations people to sign this for their U.N states support for the U.N Human Rights Court jury to take over the trials of the accused person & party to try them and to force the British Queen to declare that all court trials and hearing without jury have been illegal and declare that all trials that have ever happened after Magna Carta and after U.N founded in said HRL 1948, that took place without a jury trial in the UK is to be now pronounced as null and void in English law & under 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Acts impartial laws working, and to declare that all convictions of any person affected by non jury trials be null and void forever and must be automatically removed from all criminal records, and other court data bases, by the alive hurt party or if dead then by their still alive relatives, involvement too, and automatically removed as non lawful court judgement record, even removed by witness of the accused and or their alive relatives.
N.B Tax-payers this is your charges sheet, so please keep copy as prosecutor, also circulate this for your friends to sign it as co-prosecutors against all those mentioned herein and return it to us via C/o, 11 Muntz House, Birmingham B16 8JN -(All communications to above is only to be sent to signed for in and out of Court process, and only supporters of this is to contact this Address re these issues that’s Protected under United Nations Article 30 & 18 & 19 & others Articles that the defendants also transgressed one way or another via Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, of Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948 passed for all civilians right to use any court, and for freedom of speech and expression in civil and political and legal matters. It is also witness intimidation for anyone to try to stop this concurrent criminal summons Vs theft via fraud power & of treason, that has many co-defendants, some to be named, but all in the Labour Party & their Public Departments’ controlled agents in Police, Prosecutions Service & Courts & Justices are all co-defendants).
& Combined Multi Prosecutors’ Court Summonses
(This is a petition & Legal Action Summonses too. The Co-Private Prosecutors are each of U.K & United Nations’ Citizens’ Named below & attached on other pages)
The next Page Continues from page to page ………
N.B Tax-payers this is your charges sheet, so please keep copy as prosecutor, also circulate this for your friends to sign it as co-prosecutors
Page Continues from page ………
N.B Tax-payers this is your charges sheet, so please keep copy as prosecutor, also circulate this for your friends to sign it as co-prosecutors against all those mentioned herein and return it to us via C/o, 11 Muntz House, Birmingham B16 8JN -(All communications to above is only to be sent to signed for in and out of Court process, and only supporters of this is to contact this Address re these issues that’s Protected under United Nations Article 30 & 18 & 19 & others Articles that the defendants also transgressed one way or another via Article 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, of Universal Declaration of Human Rights Act 1948 passed for all civilians right to use any court, and for freedom of speech and expression in civil and political and legal matters. It is also witness intimidation for anyone to try to stop this concurrent criminal summons Vs theft via fraud power & of treason, that has many co-defendants, some to be named, but all in the Labour Party & their Public Departments’ controlled agents in Police, Prosecutions Service & Courts & Justices are all co-defendants).
P E T I T I O N & Combined Multi Prosecutors’ Court Summonses
(This is a petition & Legal Action Summonses too. The Co-Private Prosecutors are each of U.K & United Nations’ Citizens’ Named below & attached on other pages)
Party No.
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Over 16
Full Name & address
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U.N State
Yes Asdult/ Full Name. Address: 11 Muntz House. Skipton Rd. Birmingham. United Kingdom. B16 8JN / Prosecutor Litigant now
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